Earth Observation

The SATCROSS project is a space mission aimed at observing low atmosphere water vapor. The application of Normalized Differential Spectral Attenuation (NDSA), an active differential measurement technique, to co-rotating LEO satellites allows the assessment of 2-D (3-D) water vapor fields over vertical sections of the troposphere on a continuous time basis.
PICOSATS involvement is twofold. On the one hand, satellite formation flying requires an accurate configuration between transmitting and receiving CubeSats that exchange a RF signal: to this end, PICOSATS elaborates mission analysis and constellation architecture optimisation. On the other hand, the observable RF signal requires purpose-built onboard payloads: thence, PICOSATS designs and develops the scientific transmitter and receiver.
Supported by ASI
SATCROSS project is supported by ASI (Contratto di finanziamento ASI N.2020-2-U.O – CUP: F94I17000010005).
Prime contractor: CNIT – Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni.
Sub-contractors: PICOSATS, Consorzio LaMMA.
Feasibility study completed in 2021.
Further developments under discussion.